Tuesday, November 25, 2008

addiction(not true just a story!)

so i have this friend,he goes out in the junkyard and finds this old pacman game.he plays it for a half an hour,and then goes to the bar for about 2 minutes(or maybe 1.)and then goes and plays for three hours.so i come up to him and say,"your addicted,aren't you?"and he says,"no i am not!"so the next day i go to the junkyard for spare parts,and i find him with a jelly donut in his hand,sleeping and drooling,on the pacman game.


Anya Lincoln - Dunn said...

Oh Nicole... another good one.. lol. I know you said the story isn't true but I am pretty sure you are drawing on some personal experiences here! My little daughter... if I can't find you one day, guess where I am going to go looking for you? Love you, your Mom

Small Town Doc said...

Oh man, that's some heavy stuff. I really liked the donut and the drooling part.

Brigitte said...

That's my favorite part as well :)

I have to wonder, does this friend drink really, really fast, or was he just taking bathroom breaks at the bar?

Ms. Mary Ellen said...

Nika, I have to say, "You rock in the free world!"

Olga Spachil said...

Nika, you did manage to desribe the addiction - you are a very good observer. American South has been the home of many good american writers, maybe you are another one?
Babushka Olya